Live in a safer community
The Blue Feather Project
An ambitious 3-year project to make Red Feather Lakes among the safest
places to live in all of Larimer County by 2027
If you suspect criminal activity or suspicious behavior please call:
Larimer County Sheriff Non-Emergency Dispatch: (970) 416-1985
For Emergencies Dial: 911
The Project
What is the threat?
Colorado has among the highest recidivism rates in the country. This means the presence of people in any community whose convictions include burglary, rape, assault, identity theft, drug crimes and other serious felonies creates a higher risk for law-abiding citizens.
RFL is especially vulnerable since the historic lack of any fulltime law enforcement presence and little to no routine traffic enforcement makes it especially attractive for career criminals hoping to avoid any casual encounter with the police.
As an example, one career criminal who resided in RFL for 2-years while a fugitive from a Mesa County warrant (using a different name) wasn't arrested and returned to jail until she was caught and accused of another DUI in Grand Junction. People driving on suspended licenses create a risk for everyone in RFL along with people who have substance abuse problems and steal to support their addiction.
Strength in Numbers
While there appears to have been an increase in recent years of people with active warrants, sex offender registration requirements and historic drug addiction and distribution moving into our area, the good news is they are a very small percentage of the overall population.
The law-abiding majority, if vigilant, can hold that criminal minority accountable by working with local authorities to see laws are not routinely violated relative to driving on suspended licenses, drug distribution and trespassing.
According to one Larimer County Deputy who served in the RFL area, he never caught a burglar who hadn't already been seen or caught trespassing but the neighbors or owner decided to give him a pass thus making a later conviction for burglary much more difficult.
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Wise Approach
RFL is home to a large number of law enforcement retirees who spent their careers identifying and stopping criminal activity where they worked.
Leveraging from that pool of local experience, the Blue Feather Project will coordinate and network these former law enforcement officials to assist property owners in protecting your property and learning how to gather and archive data that may later be invaluable to an investigator or District Attorney in getting a criminal off the dirt road - so to speak.
You need to register to participate in this project
By registering you will get access to our local news updates, links to public databases featuring information regarding local crimes and the ability to communicate safely with friends and fellow property owners.
National social media sites do not well police their users thus allowing virtually anyone to post information or read your profile and make fraudulent comments.
The Blue Feather Project is locally managed by local property owners. We are less concerned with “political correctness” therefore do not restrict any content that is factual and already in the public domain via government websites thus you have the unvarnished truth.
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Tolerating Smaller Crimes Leads To More Serious Crimes
There is a “broken window” theory in community policing that posits communities where vandalism, disorder and minor crimes are tolerated will eventually transform into communities where more serious crimes become common.
Rural Larimer County wasn’t under pressure 25 years-ago as it is today from the growing populations in the Front Range and frequency of visitors who don’t respect public or private property.
According to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation violent crimes (homicides, aggravated assault, sex assault and robberies) increased in Colorado by nearly 20% between 2019 and 2021. Murder rose by nearly 50% during the same time period mostly due to increased drug crimes and auto theft is now the highest in the nation up by over 86% largely due to the Mexican Drug cartels that are now operating in the state. In fact, Colorado now leads the nation with over 4,000 car thefts in the state every month.
Larimer County crime heat maps often show RFL as a hotspot for crime depicted in red while large areas of urban Ft. Collins and Loveland are green showing little to no crime by comparison.
The Blue Feather Project’s objective is to make RFL green again